Salve Workshop
I was inspired to offer this workshop upon learning the source of the word “salve”. Salve is soothing ointment that eases pain
and restores from destruction. It means wholeness, completeness and totality. Salvation happens together. The whole community is restored to fullness of life. So, back by popular demand… In this hands-on class, we will discover the magic of making personal salves for healing and wholeness.
We will explore plant communication and make:
-Flower Essences
-Herbal Tinctures
-Herbal Salves
-Herbal Oils
-Herbal Hand Sanitizer
Date: Sunday, May 5th 1-5 pm
Class Fee – $60. Must call for registration and workshop materials.
To hold a space – use [email protected] for Paypal or Zelle
call the business landline at (310) 737 – 1998 with your credit card
Held at the Sanctuary Home/office of
Lakshmi Lambert L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., D.Hom
12719 Dewey Street LA CA 90066
310.737.1998 – landline